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Yard Game

Axe Throw

Implemented in the 2019 games, Axe Throw is a test of precision and skill. Similar to darts, but with bigger tools and targets, Axe Throw includes 7 implements: 3 silver axes, 2 black axes, and 2 knives. Teams throw the axes and knives at a wall of numbered logs to score 1-4 points each throw. Every player will throw all 7 implements, 3 times in the championships and twice in the consolations. Axe Throw is a Yard Game so 16 points are up for grabs if you claim the championship.


  • How many throws does each player get?

    • Each player throws all 7 implements (3 silver axes, 2 black axes, and 2 knives) 3 times for a total of 21 throws each. 

    • In consolations, players only throw twice for a total of 14 throws each

    • Players can not cross the line in the grass when they throw

  • How is Axe Throw Scored?​

    • It's simple, you count up the points on the logs that each of your axes are stuck to. If an axe is touching ​two numbers, you can choose the higher of those numbers. 

    • Knives are worth double points

    • If an axe or knife is stuck to a blank log, no points are awarded

    • Axe throw is a yard game so you can receive up to 16 points for your overall team score - NCAA Scoring: 1st-16pts, 2nd-12pts, 3rd-10pts, 4th-8 pts, 5th -6pts, 6th-5 pts, 7th-4pts, 8th-3pts and 1 point for all teams that participate

  • What happens if the score is tied?

    • Each team will have one player throw one set of implements in a throw off. If it is still tied after all 7 implements, the other player throws. All play continues 

  • What if there is a dispute in the game?

    • All disputes will be handled by the commissioner, Will Short. He has final say, if he is involved in the game Mack Short will make the call.​

Historical Axe Throw Results


1 - Shelby Arredondo & Cortez Arredondo

2 - Bobbie Short & Chris Short

3 - Gina Wright & Dave Wright

4 - Wade Short & Jessica Short

5 - Mack Short & Samantha Short

6 - John Short & Jennifer Short

7 - Catherine Burkhardt & Dominick Burkhardt

8 - Lilliqui Short & Quayin Short


1 - Catherine Burkhardt & Zach Zellmer

2 - Bobbie Short & Chris Short

3 - Shelby Arredondo & Cortez Arredondo

4 - Jack Ryan & Katie

5 - Sam Frid & Taylor Frid

6 - Jake Short & Rachel Short

7 - Will Short & Jodi Short

8 - John Short & Jennifer Short


1 - Quayin Short & Lilliqui Short

2 - John Short & Jennifer Short

3 - Sydnie Froyd & Josh Froyd

4 - Jake Short & Rachel Short

5 - Wade Short & Jessica Short

6 - Morgan Short & Zach Spychalla

7 - Dani Day & Alex Tate

8 - Bobbie Short & Chris Short


1 - Lilliqui Short & Soren

2 - Catherine & Dominick Burkhardt

3 - Sydnie Froyd & Josh Froyd

4 - Wade Short & Jessica Short

5 - Vristol Short & Kaitlyn Cudo

6 - Jake Short & Rachel Short

7 - John Short & Jennifer Short

8 - Mack Short & Samantha Short

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